اخبار التربية

موضوع عن الحديقة العامة بالانجليزي

موضوع عن الحديقة العامة بالانجليزي

تعبير عن الحديقة بالانجليزي
موضوع عن الحديقة العامة بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الحديقة العامة بالانجليزي
تعبير عن الحدائق العامة بالانجليزي
The importance of urban parks
 86% of the population lives in cities. Parks have already been considered as places to escape urban life. Today, parks help define a city and are inextricably linked to our quality of life.
They can provide city residents with invaluable mental, physical and social benefits. They can also be places that are in harmony rather than in opposition to nature.
We are just beginning to understand the full potential of urban parks. However, we already know the essential role they play in the prosperity of cities.
 The environmental value of urban parks
Green spaces are important to counter the processes of environmental degradation and climate change that are often more acute in cities. Parks and their greenery help to purify the atmosphere, refresh cities during the summer, protect critical natural ecosystems and absorb runoff that could otherwise clog up urban infrastructure. In addition to these direct environmental benefits, green spaces – especially when they form well-connected green corridors – favor environmentally friendly modes of transportation by providing safe and enjoyable trails for pedestrians and cyclists.
Promote the parks advantage
A review of international research conducted on the environmental benefits of urban parks concludes that there is “strong evidence” that parks are hotspots of biodiversity in cities around the world.
As part of the natural systems of cities, parks provide important “green services” that some studies have translated into economic benefits. For example, a study of the Toronto Urban Forest concluded that its total value was $ 7.1 billion and this included annual services such as a reduction of $ 10.2 million per year in energy costs for heating and air conditioning homes.
The Park People’s Green City report argues that the public domain should be considered as the deepest layer of urban infrastructure – the ecological infrastructure – that should be established before road construction, land fragmentation and land reclamation. construction plans.
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